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Monad STD

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monad_std is a library that provides some useful Rust-styled utilities for using monads in Python.


Any issue and pull request is welcomed, and you can directly make a pr for new features or open an issue for bug reports.

Future Plan

Until now, this library provides the following features:

  • monad_std.Option: An optional value.
  • monad_std.Result: A structure containing a success value or an error.
    • monad_std.Ok: A successful value.
    • monad_std.Err: An error value.
  • monad_std.std_types: Wrapped api around std types.
  • monad_std.iter: Iterator interface with functors and monads support.
  • monad_std.prelude: Prelude package, containing Option, Result and iterators.
  • monad_std.Either: A structure containing two type of values, but not that specific like monad_std.Result. (Currently under development.)